
Descargar bluestacks portable
Descargar bluestacks portable

First of all, Download BlueStacks from the download button.How to Download and Install MX Player for PC Follow the steps below in order to use this awesome app on your computer. If you use any other emulator software, the steps will be pretty much the same. So, here I give you step by step guide on how to Download and Install MX Player for PC using BlueStacks. MX Player for Windows (.exe file) is not available for direct download unlike Android devices, so we had to compromise a little bit. The best android emulator is BlueStacks. Apart from that, sliding over a video can change it to the next one is another gesture MX Player offers. You can download and add subtitles to your videos.

descargar bluestacks portable

  • Gestures: Subtitle gestures are the best feature here.
  • No Ads: If you’re using MX Player Pro – the premium version, then you won’t get ads while streaming videos.
  • Make sure to download MX Player AIO ZIP codecs beforehand to enjoy streaming. For this, you can stream all types of videos on MX Player.
  • All types of video: MX Player supports all popular file formats.
  • descargar bluestacks portable

    This is designed for the ones who have kids at home so that they don’t have to playback the whole thing again and again. Kid lock feature: This is one of the security features that allow the user to lock the screen while watching any video.

    Descargar bluestacks portable